Organizational Consulting
We offer highly intelligent and integrated processes to help you and your organization achieve the highest levels of cultural success both internally and externally. Some consulting groups only address organizational culture while ignoring the absolute need for personalized cultural mastery skills on the part of leaders and associates. Others train limited cultural competency skills but do not effectively address the greater organizational culture needs or the deeper cultural skill development of associates. We are skilled at fully integrating corporate culture with individual cultural skill creating very powerful outcomes for the organization as a whole, diverse teams within the organization, and individuals who participate in our training processes.
– We work in collaboration with organizational leaders to fully understand your culture before implementing a plan.
1. Assess – In this step, we carefully assess your present organizational leadership culture, leadership’s understanding of culture and cultural diversity needs, levels of diversity and inclusion within the organization, and readiness to implement a comprehensive cultural plan. This assessment is high-level.
2. Survey – In this step, we survey a reliable sample size of associates to clearly understand how associates view and experience the organization’s culture. These surveys are multi-layered and include questions regarding organizational culture, cultural relationships, levels of diversity and inclusion from their perspective, and levels of cultural relevance in internal and external corporate communications.
3. Plan – Along with a team of corporate leaders and selected associates, we develop a comprehensive cultural plan that will address your specific needs and desires. In order to move to the last stage of implementation, there must be full buy-in from all members of the planning team, not just high-level leadership.
4. Implement – In this stage, together, we implement the plan that was developed in stage three. Plans are multi-faceted in nature and normally require a thoughtful consideration of timelines in which to implement components like training, team building, evaluation of data and results.
Your information is private and confidential. We will never share your situation, or data, with any outside entities.
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