A profound life-changing experience.

The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery course is a deep and honest journey into the leader’s soul. In the course, each participant will be guided through teaching and experiences that will prepare them to successfully connect, create and collaborate with people different from his or herself. In addition, leaders will honestly confront their own deeply held beliefs and biases about people of other cultures. We implement a unique multi-tiered approach to the course experience. First, participants choose a version specific to their profession. Second, participants choose a cultural group concentration. Third, participants are paired with another person in their learning cohort to experience the 6 Stages together. This multi-tiered approach ensures a transformative and profound experience for all participants.

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Cultural Mastery Experience Overview Brochure

I travel the globe regularly, working with dozens of diverse cultures. I promise you, if you follow the 6 Stages, and remain open to the idea that to master culture, you must first master yourself—you can make magic happen with others.

Duane Cummings on The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery Book by Ricardo GonzalezDuane CummingsCEO, The Sensational Group

The 6 Stages are stimulating, thought-provoking, filled with gems of advice and concrete strategies. As a leader, I feel I can navigate a better course of cultural understanding and engagement, hopefully leading to the stages of excitement and endearment.

Shirley Raines on The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery Book by Ricardo GonzalezDr. Shirley RainesPresident Emeritus, The University of Memphis

Every leader serious about creating follower-ship and engaging talent of diverse cultures should go through The Six Stages of Cultural Mastery. Ricardo lays out very specific and actionable steps that will transform you, and through you, those you lead.

Arnold Dhanesar on The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery Book by Ricardo GonzalezArnold DhanesarGroup Chief Talent Officer – Zurich Insurance Group

To work through the complex landscape of cultural diversity, one needs the right tools of engagement. The Six Stages of Cultural Mastery is a tool I highly recommend for your toolbox. Ricardo lays out a clear path to being a highly successful leader in today‘s culturally demanding organizations.

Sharon Frame on The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery Book by Ricardo GonzalezSharon FrameFormer CNN anchor and CEO of LeadHerShip

The Six Stages of Cultural Mastery will equip you to more effectively lead, sell to, and enjoy deep and long-lasting relationships with people of diverse backgrounds. Ricardo does a masterful job of laying out the specific stages leaders must follow in order to develop into cultural masters. ¡Bravo!

Pegine Echeverría on The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery Book by Ricardo GonzalezPegine EchevarríaCEO of Team-Pegine, Inc., Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame

The Six Stages of Cultural Mastery takes leaders through a very refined process to move us to true levels of Endearment in Stage Six. This process should be digested and applied by all organizational and community leaders as the insights are transformational.

Steve Akinboro on The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery Book by Ricardo GonzalezSteve AkinboroOwner of Multiple McDonald’s Franchises, Council Member of the Gerson Lehrman Group