Crisis Management

Are you facing a cultural crisis or challenge? Perhaps you, or someone in your organization, said or did something that was culturally offensive or unacceptable and you need some professional help to recover. Perhaps things are going a bit sideways and you’re concerned about the possible consequences if not addressed properly. We’re living in a culturally complex world and many people or activist groups will not forgive and forget just because we apologize. In fact, some people or groups may want to make an example out of you or your organization, thus severely damaging your brand. We can help you to properly respond, recover, and reset, thus creating a better future for all. Please complete the form below the text to let us know you would like to engage in a confidential dialogue.

Four Stages of Cultural Crisis Management -


We understand in a crisis you need REAL help and REAL fast. We have the tools and expertise to help you in your immediate challenge and will work with you to prevent future cultural crisis.

1. Assess – In this step, we carefully assess your present situation from multiple internal and external perspectives. This allows us to determine the full effect, both from within and without, to you or your organization. In addition, we analyze the factors that contributed to your present cultural crisis.

2. Plan – We are experts at developing comprehensive plans to address your specific needs. We do this in collaboration with you and your team but do understand that we are hired for our expertise and assume the responsibility for presenting you with a thoughtful and professional plan to address your situation properly.

3. Respond – In this stage, along with you, we implement the plan that was developed in stage two. Responses range from private conversations to public communications via multiple media points. We determine together who will say what, when and how. Authenticity is key in this process. The worst thing a person or organization can do when faced with a cultural crisis is to react hastily rather than respond thoughtfully.

4. Reset – In this stage, we work with you, and key individuals within your organization, to ensure a healthy culture moving forward. This may involve Cultural Mastery training, public relations coaching, proper engagement with the person or cultural group offended, and more.


Your information is private and confidential. We will never share your situation, or data, with any outside entities.

First Name*Last Name*Organization or Company*Email*
Phone*How Can We Help You?*Please tell us the general situation you are facing and the level of urgency you are experiencing.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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