Cultural Stereotypes

In this section, we’re going to ask you about stereotypes and ways of thinking. We understand that this may create some sensitivity but please answer the questions honestly. Again, your answers are private and will not be shared with any third-parties, including your employer.

1. Which statement is most accurate….select oneStereotypes exist because they are trueStereotypes exist because they are mostly trueStereotypes pretend to tell the whole truth but they are mostly half-truthsStereotypes exist because people are evilSome stereotypes are true, others are not2. How often do you use stereotypes or think stereotypically about other people? (For example, have you ever thought something like, “Puerto Ricans just want a handout” or “Black men are violent” or “Asian people are smart” or “Mexicans are hard workers” or “White men are angry and think they are better than everyone else” or “Latin women are sexy” or anything along those lines.)…select oneI must admit that I do this regularlyThis isn’t part of my normal thinking but I do have these types of thoughts from time to timeI am very conscious about not stereotyping anyone of any ethnicity but when I get upset or under pressure, I have thought this wayI never use stereotypes3. How often do you label people? This means saying things like, “Oh, those people are just stupid” or “Those people are gang bangers” or “Those people are hillbillies”, or, “Man, he’s an idiot.” etc….select oneI must admit that I do this regularlyThis isn’t part of my normal speech but I do say things like this from time to timeI am very conscious about not labeling other people but when I get upset or under pressure, I have done thisI never label people4. How often do you use derogatory terms to describe people different from yourself? (here are a few examples in alphabetical order: Chink, Cracker, Nigger, Spic, Queer, Gringo, Pendejo, etc.)…select oneI never use these types of termsI seldom use these types of termsI sometimes use these types of termsI often use these types of terms5. In 2016, on Halloween, the President of the University of Louisville, dressed up as a Mexican in a sombrero and poncho. He was criticized sharply by many for doing so and was forced into cultural sensitivity training. Which do you believe is most true about him. He was……select oneInsensitiveIgnorantInnocentCondescendingJust having funI honestly feel sorry for him6. How often would you say you “poke fun of” or “put down” other people different from yourself? (This may be saying something like, “Oh, those gay men are so dainty” or “Wow, those heavy set Mexican women must eat a lot of burritos” or “I won’t eat Chinese food because Chinese people are dirty and may be feeding me a cat instead of chicken.”)…select oneI never make fun of or put down people from other culturesI seldom make fun of or put down people from other culturesI sometimes make fun of or put down people from other culturesI often make fun of or put down people from other cultures7. If you are in a meeting with several business people you know, and you see a new person who is of a different ethnicity or social class from yourself, what would you typically do?…select oneI would leave my friends and make it a priority to go and greet the personI would wait until we naturally crossed paths and then greet the personI would not make any special effort to greet the person. Just because they are there doesn’t mean I need to be involved with themI would avoid the person, we have nothing in common8. Sometimes, people say derogatory or demeaning things about others to family members, close friends or close associates that they would never say publicly. How true is this of you?…select oneThis is very true of meThis is somewhat true of meI used to have this problem but worked on it and stoppedI am fully consistent and never criticize or demean others to anyoneHonestly, I just tend to say what I think no matter who is around me9. How would you define the word “empathy”?…select oneFeeling a sense of pity for other peoplePutting myself in someone’s else’s situation and feeling what they feelFeeling passionate about and for other peopleCaring about how other people feelI honestly am not sure which is correct10. How would you best define the word “bigotry?”…select oneStrongly supporting stereotypes towards an individual or cultureThe intolerance of people who hold different opinionsDeeply ingrained mindsets and actions towards a group of peopleHatred and/or biases based on someone’s race, political affiliation, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or gender-specific behaviorsI honestly am not sure which is correct